IN western culture, meditation is often associated with the known scientific benefits of healing. Clinical studies have shown that it helps relieve depression, anxiety, pain and addiction. The studies prove there’s a powerful link between mind and body. But rather than simply using it for health benefits, we can practice meditation to quiet our minds and, ultimately, to attain an enlightened state of mind that connects us to the infinite, or being, or God, or Holy Spirit, or Christ light or Jesus.
Meditate to Experience Joy
Happiness is in the experience of making the connection. And you’ll find the joy radiates and connects you to others. But to really have the experience, meditation takes time, persistence and commitment. If you make it a part of your daily routine, you’re certain to attain more happiness for yourself and others.
Now if you’re asking where’s Jesus in this post, the answer is, he is within. Meditate on it. Meditate to experience joy and happiness of Jesus.