I am a happy person and a happy mother of five adult children who add increasing joy to my life day by day. I am also a Registered Nurse and a Certified Case Manager by profession.
During the course of family life and a career in health care it became abundantly clear people basically want and need to be healthy, happy, active and useful on fundamental levels to fulfill their very own unique life purpose. I discovered people can eliminate unnecessary pain and suffering from their life and can contribute to the healing of societies costly ills.
I learned all I know and experience, First from God who gave me my whole good family of mother, father, sister, brothers, teachers, friends and especially from my children who truly are God's Gift of Love.
Each person in their own unique way led me to read The Holy Bible where I learned in depth of the Unconditional Love and Constant Presence of God, Who sent Jesus to teach the whole human race how to Love and be Happy right here and now on Earth.
To my great surprise, Jesus did and does teach me. Surprisingly, it became very clear Jesus IS Happiness and He inspired this website to share Divine Truth, Love, Mercy, the Peace of Christ and Happiness with others.